Sunday, 30 August 2009


My rabbit is ill man, she is being put to sleep tomorrow, mum thought i would wanna see her today, but i don't really that's harder haha
Bye bye my baby bunny
27th september 2003 i got her, almost 6 years ago, poor thing

Saturday, 29 August 2009

51 today

Happy 51st Birthday to
Michael Joseph Jackson
King of Pop
Gone too soon!


Going to get pics done today so I can apply for driving licence yay hehe

Wednesday, 26 August 2009


Had a good day today haha worked when I wasn't meant to but still enjoyed it, I do like it in there haha

Friday, 21 August 2009


1 year 10 days

I realised today that ive had this blog now for exactly one year and 10 days, are you impressed i keep it well updated haha i am cos i am usually useless at stuff like this hehe but it is all good :)

Course finished!!

YAY!!! No more shitty course....for now at least haha been a good day all round today i think, its nice to see some happineess for a change, i don't think anyone realised how bad we all felt till now haha its bliss, im loving it

Thursday, 20 August 2009


FINISH COURSE TOMORROW!!! 1:30pm and i am done - wahooooooooo can't wait

End of an era

4 years 6 months - the end.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Prank afternoon

Had a cracking afternoon at work, the boys (Neil and Sean) were being mean to Amy but they are funny so that were a laugh, then Sean stunk out the boys toilets right by the desk where the phone is so we sprayed air freshner but it still stunk so Tim had to go in the girls lmao followed by Neil who stunk out the girls toilets too so both were unuseable but Amythought she could put a tea towel over her mouth and nose and go in them to spray them, she did but the towel was a waste of time haha, bless her blondeness.

Then me and Amz had an air freshner vs polish fight, she sprayed air freshner right down the back of my top and on my trousers so i got the polish and sprayed her with it haha then we put vinegar in Tim's coffee lmao - twice cos the first failed rotfl so we had to put it in the kettle lmao

Then Barry went in the pat testing room and sung some songs on the karaoke machine in there so i went and filmed him singing hero and some other songs but i cant remember which haha funny times maaaan