Thursday, 17 September 2009

MJ week (Q music channel

When i discovered MJ day (as i thought it was at the time) on monday i was rather excited and rushed upstairs to put it on.

Was rather annoyed to find my virgin media box playing up not letting me put Q on but went elsewhere in the house and put it on only to discover what i had thought was a Michael day was actually a whole week so i was even more excited and put the volume up, especially on my most favourite tracks

I watched it all day monday but i had to work tuesday and wednesday but do not worry because i sky+ed parts of it.

So today i finally have another day off and i had made plans to sit on my laptop all day down stairs watching what i had taped, but at the last minuite i figured i'd scrap that idea and put Q on, for what i taped would still be there when MJ week is over...the rest of MJ week however would not be, so i took the opportunity to watch more than i would have done if i had just have watched my recordnings.

Then for some daft reason they put on 30 min shows of 4 stars (30 mins each star) who were highly influenced my the King of Pop, but since they included Usher and JT i turned it off and put a recording on, until i discovered the box also showing an MJ programe so i put that on to take up more opportunity to see more than just 3 hours of videos on repeat all day.

I have really enjoyed my MJ day today putting up the volume on "Man in the mirror" "heal the world" "history remix" "bad" "you are not alone" and "she's out of my life".

One thing i really have enjoyed seeing today is a tribute video called "A Q tribute" to the song Man in the mirror featuring various clips of Michael Jackson from several of his other music video's which is so much better than the usual Man in the mirror video featuring kids from Africa. They way the video has been put together makes it look like a real music video for it, the dances he does are spot on in tune with the music, i really like it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed MJ week too. I am going to contact 4 music (which is Q) and thank them and ask them to do it again some time!