Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Huddle Formation

Don't ask about the blog title it's my song of the moment from One Tree Hill season 3 episode 14 when the cheerleaders enter the Charlotte cheerleading competition and Rachel got Peyton drunk so it all messes up but Brooke saves the day by doing the robot (I love that episode but it's 2 episodes before Keith dies so kinda sucks)

On a happier more personal not it's exactly 2 weeks to the day till Harrie comes down woop!!!! That will be so cool and we get most the thursday together too cos the flight isn't till half 9 at night i think.

Remember yesterday i said no games till after the holiday well scrap that i just got 2  for £20 go me lol!! but it's a bit naughty since i am supposed to be saving but there ya go lol!!!

Oooooh and roll on 4pm tomorrow cos then i will only have to do half a day up here then im finished for the year. Then we really are on a holiday count down so you have that to look foward to come friday lol.

That's it from me till next time at least

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