Tuesday 5 July 2011


I got an app on my pad, that allows you to speak and it types your words, well I was going to write a blog with it but it didn't type what I said at all however I want to share with you what it thought I said to it lol it's quite funny really

"Hello I'm disgusting Hope you like my boy then enjoy the buy okay that was pretty weird taking a feather pillow and others are picking up and I okay if that actually whom the same effect that I can finish my comments are I am drinking them is my blog that I gave up in dialogue that God thinking (two of you is to have a weird one is pretty funny show and her early years of even know about the only on my car repair I made in diffusion for you enjoy and agencies messed up thanks for reading by the way I hope you enjoy living in action now really really the only ones who are in and pick up in gathering at the moment what the hell are you doing okay and this is just what we are going into atheism and get an open mind are the hell are gentle if you were away in weird and this is kind of strictly yeah you were missing in a meeting with my thing ever invented the bay who are you enjoying the sun and I have both where did you continue what the hell is happening to me right now and is going to be and never said it bloggers and hope you understand and everything and they seem to mess up everything I say so good and this is not me this is a new me what would you like to have for tea I don't mean it all you do and will listen to in the mouth for one or whatever to do maybe one sensible wound up only even more than what the hell is going to happen to Frank now I'm weird I lost the plot but maybe that's good maybe be okay maybe we meant to be here typing a load of rubbish about being we don't know what you can do anything to be living in Milan then go away like you did to Mary leaving her with her baby and I am in England and hold it in for helping me move whatever only do one if you want to do no leave of my head count is on the air on near you may be you all come back to my name and we'll see what have you see those movies and plunge into well in advance the scene of lack of hope"

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